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Our research

We seek to understand how cells protect and destroy mRNAs, lncRNAs, and different classes of small RNAs. Our lab applies genetics, biochemistry, high-throughput sequencing, and computational modeling to define the biological roles of RNA metabolism in development and disease.


Relaxed targeting rules help PIWI proteins silence transposons.

Gainetdinov I, Vega-Badillo J, Cecchini K, Bagci A, Colpan C, De D, Bailey S, Arif A, Wu PH, MacRae IJ, Zamore PD.

Nature. 2023; 619: 394–402.

A maternally programmed intergenerational mechanism enables male offspring to make piRNAs from Y-linked precursor RNAs in Drosophila.

Venkei ZG*, Gainetdinov I*, Bagci A, Starostik MR, Choi CP, Fingerhut JM, Chen P, Balsara C, Whitfield TW, Bell GW, Feng S, Jacobsen SE, Aravin AA, Kim JK, Zamore PD, Yamashita YM. *co-first authors

Nat Cell Biol 2023;

Contact us

Ildar Gainetdinov

Department of Biology

College of Arts and Science

New York University


29 Washington Place
7th Floor, Rm 753
New York, NY 10003


Tel: +1-212-998-3911


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